Home Herbs 10 Herbs That Will Stop Your Migraine: Natural Remedies for Effective Relief

10 Herbs That Will Stop Your Migraine: Natural Remedies for Effective Relief

by Herbs Cures

Migraines can be debilitating, causing intense headaches, nausea, and sensitivity to light and sound. While there are various pharmaceutical options available, many individuals seek natural remedies to manage their migraines. In this article, we will explore ten herbs that have been known to provide relief from migraines. These herbs are not only effective but also offer additional health benefits without the side effects commonly associated with traditional medications.


Feverfew is a popular herb used for centuries to treat migraines. Its active compound, parthenolide, helps reduce inflammation and blood vessel constriction, which are common triggers for migraines. You can consume feverfew in the form of capsules, tinctures, or teas. However, it is essential to consult with a healthcare professional regarding the appropriate dosage.


Butterbur is another potent herb that has shown promise in alleviating migraines. Its active ingredients, petasin, and isopetasin, work as muscle relaxants and reduce inflammation. Studies have found that butterbur can significantly reduce the frequency and severity of migraines. However, it’s crucial to choose a butterbur product that is labeled “PA-free,” as it eliminates harmful compounds that can cause liver damage.


Peppermint is a refreshing herb known for its soothing aroma and cooling effect. Its active ingredient, menthol, has muscle relaxant properties that can ease tension headaches associated with migraines. Peppermint oil can be applied topically to the temples or inhaled through steam inhalation for quick relief.


Ginger is a versatile herb widely used in traditional medicine for its anti-inflammatory properties. It contains compounds called gingerols that block pain pathways in the brain, potentially reducing migraine symptoms. Consuming ginger tea, chewing raw ginger, or taking ginger supplements can help manage migraines effectively.


Chamomile is a gentle herb that promotes relaxation and reduces stress, both of which can trigger migraines. It possesses anti-inflammatory properties and can also help with sleep disturbances often associated with migraines. Enjoy a cup of chamomile tea before bedtime or during a migraine attack to experience its calming effects.

Willow Bark

Derived from the willow tree, willow bark contains salicin, which is converted to salicylic acid in the body, the same compound found in aspirin. Willow bark acts as a natural pain reliever and can provide relief from migraines. However, it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional before using willow bark, especially if you have allergies or are taking other medications.


Lavender is renowned for its relaxing properties and has been used to relieve headaches and migraines for centuries. Inhaling lavender oil or applying it topically to the temples can help reduce the severity and duration of migraine attacks. Additionally, lavender promotes better sleep, which is crucial for migraine prevention.

Valerian Root

Valerian root is a herb known for its calming effects and ability to reduce anxiety and stress. Since stress is a common trigger for migraines, consuming valerian root can help prevent their onset. Valerian root is often taken in capsule or tincture form, and it’s best to follow the recommended dosage on the packaging.

Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo Biloba is an herb that improves blood circulation and reduces inflammation. By enhancing blood flow to the brain, it can potentially prevent migraines triggered by poor circulation. It’s available in capsule form, and regular use may reduce the frequency and intensity of migraines.


While technically not an herb, caffeine can also be an effective remedy for migraines. It constricts blood vessels and enhances the absorption of pain medication. However, it’s important to use caffeine in moderation, as excessive consumption can lead to dependency and potential withdrawal headaches.

When it comes to managing migraines, natural remedies can offer significant relief without the side effects associated with conventional medications. The ten herbs discussed in this article, including feverfew, butterbur, peppermint, ginger, chamomile, willow bark, lavender, valerian root, ginkgo biloba, and caffeine, have shown promise in alleviating migraines. However, it’s crucial to consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating these herbs into your routine, as they may interact with other medications or have individual contraindications. With proper guidance, these natural remedies can provide effective relief and help you regain control over your migraines.